XHTML Tags Support by DDI

The following table provides the tag names, descriptions, and legal content for all XHTML tags supported by DDI. A list of unsupported tags follows this list. Most tags support several types of core attributes covering classification, style, internationalization, and events. Refer to W3C for detailed information on attribute usage.

  • Note that these elements exist in the xhtml namespace and must be prefixed with that namespace, e.g. <xhtml:p>
  • Additional information about XHTML tags can be found at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp

Block Elements

Element Description Support
address Contact information for the document owner or author blockquote block quotation, a long quotation set off in a block of text May contain Inline Elements or text
blockquote Block quotation, a long quotation set off in a block of text Contains Block Elements
div Division - generic way to divide group contents May contain Block Elements, Inline Elements or text
dl Definition list Must contain at least one dt or dd element
h1 Heading level 1 May contain Inline Elements or text
h2 Heading level 2 May contain Inline Elements or text
h3 Heading level 3 May contain Inline Elements or text
h4 Heading level 4 May contain Inline Elements or text
h5 Heading level 5 May contain Inline Elements or text
h6 Heading level 6 May contain Inline Elements or text
hr Horizontal line - content separator No content expressed as <xhtml:hr/>
ol Ordered list Must contain at least one li
p Paragraph May contain Inline Elements or text
pre Preformatted text May contain Inline Elements (except img, object, big, small, sub, and sub, at any depth) or text
table Table Contains: caption may appear as the first item and only once; optional col or colgroup; one or more of the following tags in order: thead (0..1 and only if tbody is used), tfoot (0..1 only if tbody is used) , tbody (1..n) OR tr (1..n)
ul Unordered list Must contain one or more li

Inline Elements

Element Description Support
a Anchor which defines the hypertext link using an id attribute May contain Inline Elements (except a at any depth) or text
abbr Abbreviation May contain Inline Elements or text
acronym Acronym May contain Inline Elements or text
b Bold May contain Inline Elements or text
big Big text May contain Inline Elements or text
br Line break No content expressed as <xhtml:hr/>
cite Citation May contain Inline Elements or text
code Computer code text May contain Inline Elements or text
dfn Definition term May contain Inline Elements or text
em Emphasized text May contain Inline Elements or text
i Italics May contain Inline Elements or text
kbd Keyboard text May contain Inline Elements or text
q Quotation, short in line May contain Inline Elements or text
samp Sample computer code May contain Inline Elements or text
small Small text May contain Inline Elements or text
span Section in a document May contain Inline Elements or text
strong Strong text May contain Inline Elements or text
sub Subscripted text May contain Inline Elements or text
sup Superscripted text May contain Inline Elements or text
tt Teletype text or monospaced text style May contain Inline Elements or text
var Variable part of text - indicates instance of a computer code variable or program argument May contain Inline Elements or text

List Elements

Element Description Support
dd List definition description May contain Block Elements, Inline Elements or text
dt Definition (list) term May contain Inline Elements or text
li List item - ordered or unordered May contain Block Elements, Inline Elements or text

Table Elements

Element Description Support
caption Table caption May contain Inline Elements or text
col Attribute values for one or more columns No content - provides attributes describing alignment, width, formating of cells
colgroup group of columns in a table for formatting May contain col
tbody Body content in a table May contain tr
td Cell in a table May contain Block Elements, Inline Elements or text
tfoot Footer content in a table May contain tr
th Header cell in a table May contain Block Elements, Inline Elements or text
thead Header content in a table May contain tr
tr Row in a table Must contain one or more of td OR th

Unsupported Elements

Element Description
del Delete content
fieldset Form control group
form data entry form
nocript alternate content for client-side script
ins inserted content
script client-side script
bdo bidirectional text override